Saturday, January 24, 2009

week 3

We've made it through the first 2 of 8 chapters of Chem 102.

Thermochemistry wrapped up with Hess's Law and Using Standard Enthalpies of Formation to calculate standard enthalpies of reaction.

I recommended a couple of problem sets from the textbook to compliment the notes. You will also find on the Chem 102 website, I'm sure you all have it bookmarked by now, that there is a new feature with a flashing arrow! entitiled animated problems. Here you'll find a few animated problem sets on gases and thermoschemistry...PLEASE CHECK THESE OUT.

Also as promised here are the couple of links from my sons new favourite TV show....destroyed in seconds.

This week we will continue our look at the Chemistry of the Environment. Kevin will be in to demonstrate Thermochemistry as well. Tuesday morning for the A02 group and wednesday afternoon for the A04 group. Its' thermochemistry so that means one thing to Kevin....Explosions!

Don't forget you can tackle at least 2 of the first 3 online quizzes and the 3rd one should be no problem with the course pack. Any questions related to the online quizzes should be directed to Dr Codding (contact details on the website), she will be able to help you.

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